With the threat of global warming and reduced water sources, clean fresh drinking water is becoming a scarce commodity. Population overgrow, and increased regulations for drinking water means there is a genuine need to supply fresh clean water – that is exactly what ODIS does best. Our water treatment plants can help supply the demand for drinking water while saving the environment.
As a global leader in the field, ODIS can present a wide range of solutions for various drinking water sources. Odis’s Drinking Water Treatment Plants can draw water from any source: brackish water, surface water, seawater, ground water, high turbidity water, polluted rivers, lakes, wells, reservoirs, and more.
Odis’ solutions can treat any contamination present in the water source – from heavy metals, organic and inorganic compounds, high solids loads (suspended or dissolved) – we will tackle any challenge. ODIS’s unique innovative “in-house” design and production enables us to solve multiple water treatment problems. In a world of ever-shrinking water sources, and an ever-growing population our drinking water solutions literally saves lives.
ODIS’s extensive experience with supplying fresh clean water allows us to offer tailor-made solutions to our clients, for the best possible quality drinking water.
As a global company, ODIS’ solutions meets global and local standards and regulation. ODIS treatment plants complies with the WHO (World Health Organization) standards for drinking water, and also with local standards.
ODIS’s Water treatment products are robust and durable, easy to operate and can be installed in extreme field conditions, basically anywhere.
Our wide range of water treatment systems means we can offer the best value for money while ensuring the highest quality of water available.
ODIS’ water treatment solutions are suitable for multinational organizations, governments, water utilities, water treatment plants integrators, infrastructure contractors, municipalities, hotels, private entities, and others.
View our catalogue of drinking water solutions